Releasing the Discomfort of Pediatric Constipation

Releasing the Discomfort of Pediatric Constipation

When a child is not having their normal bowel movements daily, this can be a red flag for gastrointestinal (GI) problems. As food moves through the body and to the colon, the colon will then absorb water as it creates stool. Due to muscle movements, the stool is pushed to the rectum which forms solid …

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pediatric treatment- child high-fiving doctor

Are We Any Closer to Finding a Treatment for Pediatric Migraine?

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, we are still searching for best treatment options in Pediatric Migraines. The treatment options for pediatric migraines seem to be far and few between with standardization of care being unique to the child experiencing pediatric migraines. Pediatric migraine is unique, and it requires an individualized treatment plan …

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What Parents Should Know About This Sleep Disorder

Does your child struggle with falling or staying asleep? Some symptoms of pediatric insomnia may include struggles around going to bed, difficulty falling asleep at bedtime, or problems staying asleep during the night. Children with insomnia may also wake up very early. If your child has insomnia, here are some things you should know. 1. …

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Pediatric Migraines Explained- distressed woman holding her head

Pediatric Migraines Explained

Does your child suffer from migraines? If so, this blog will be informative to learn about what your child is experiencing. What are migraines? Migraines are an often severe, throbbing type of headache different from other types of headaches. Symptoms other than pain can occur with a migraine headache. Nausea and vomiting, lightheadedness, sensitivity to …

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Does My Child Have Insomnia? - two children with head down on desk

Does My Child Have Insomnia?

Insomnia affects approximately 25% of children according to the National Library of Medicine. Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep. Insomnia in children can lead to health …

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Back To School Advice for Children With ADHD- brain graphic

Back To School Advice for Children With ADHD

Is your child who has ADHD preparing to go back to school? The back-to-school transition can be a difficult one, so we want to provide you with some tips to getting them ready for the new school year. We will share these four pieces of advice below. 1. Set Goals and Rewards Reasonable goals set …

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