Releasing the Discomfort of Pediatric Constipation

Releasing the Discomfort of Pediatric Constipation

When a child is not having their normal bowel movements daily, this can be a red flag for gastrointestinal (GI) problems. As food moves through the body and to the colon, the colon will then absorb water as it creates stool. Due to muscle movements, the stool is pushed to the rectum which forms solid …

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Remedies for Treating Child Constipation

Remedies for Treating Child Constipation

Accurately diagnosing and treating conditions among children can come with its challenges, and no parent wants to see their child suffer. Nearly everyone has experienced constipation at some point in their life, whether it be due to eating something in particular or a chronic condition. By definition, constipation is a condition in which a person …

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Your Child’s Diet: Could it be Causing Constipation?

Your Child’s Diet: Could it be Causing Constipation?

Children are not immune to constipation, and a healthy diet is crucial for regularity. If a child is experiencing constipation, the first step is to switch up their diet. Foods that are high in fat and low in fiber can contribute to constipation. A high-fat diet may produce the inability for food to be broken …

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