4 Male Depression Myths

Depression does not discriminate between gender, race, or age. Men be diagnosed with depression. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, in 2015 there were over 44,000 suicides, of which 70% were white males. Suicide is in most cases linked with depression. The stigma around depression can make it even harder for men to recognize that they are depressed and seek help. They may feel ashamed or simply ignore their symptoms.

White males accounted for 70% of suicides in 2015.

Here 4 myths about depression in men that could be dangerous for them:

1) Men do not get depressed.

According to studies, every year more than 6 million men get depressed in the U.S. Experts believe that the number is actually much higher, since in many cases, men either do not recognize the symptoms of depression, do not report them or do not seek help for their symptoms.

2) A “real man” can simply get through it.

One of the worst things someone with depression can do is to ignore the symptoms and avoid seeking help. Symptoms most often do not just disappear. The best plan of action is to visit a specialist that could help to assess your symptoms and propose different treatment options. Depression is a serious condition that can affect weak or strong people, male or females, and if not treated, could lead to worse things.

3) Depression is not treatable.

Many people falsely believe that depression is a permanent mental health condition that cannot be treated. Studies have shown that more than 80% of people who seek help and treatment, overcome this condition. There are several other factors that can help someone overcome depression, including improving sleeping patterns, maintaining a healthier diet and lifestyle, talking with a mentor, and getting support from their loved ones.

4) Depression is the same for everyone.

Men often do not present the traditional symptoms of depression. Experts believe that every person has a set of different symptoms and most of them are exhibited or expressed in a unique manner. Men are less likely to report crying, feelings of weakness, or helplessness. Finally, recent studies have shown that men could also express depression through aggressiveness or irritability.

Source: Huffington Post


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