Correlation between lifestyle factors and ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also known as ADHD is one of the most common childhood behavior disorders, with most being diagnosed by the age of seven. There are many factors taken into account when being diagnosed with ADHD. So, what is it that plays a role in determining if a child or adolescent has ADHD? As many physicians identify hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and inattention as symptoms of ADHD, not all children experience these symptoms at the same level. Many families will notice some of these symptoms when children start school. 

Categories of ADHD 

  • Hyperactivity: Excessive talking, being in constant motion, forgetfulness, losing things easily, inability to stay on task. 
  • Impulsiveness: Difficulty taking turns, interrupts conversations, risk taker. 
  • Inattention: Distracted easily, forgetfulness, short attention span for age group, and difficulty listening. 

ADHD is broken up into three different types: 

  • Combined type: This is the most common type of ADHD seen. Combined type is identified by a child or adolescent having impulsiveness, hyperactivity, inattention and distractibility 
  • Impulsive/hyperactive type: This is the least common type of ADHD. Impulsive/hyperactive type is identified by impulsiveness and hyperactivity. 
  • Inattentive and distractible type: This type of ADHD is identified by inattention and distractibility. 

Wondering if your child is showing similar signs? Check the following signs off as you assess: 

  1. Struggling to keep their attention 
  2. Distracted easily when being spoken to 
  3. Struggles with following instructions 
  4. Stays disorganized 

As it has been studied, many lifestyle factors such as electronic use and sleep patterns can affect a child or adolescent and increase the risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Children and adolescents should receive a minimum of nine hours of sleep. As children get older it is seen that this number sometimes decreases with social activities and school. With electronics, it has been advised that children and adolescents do not have over two hours of electronic use, this includes television, electronic games, and computers. Lack of sleep and overuse of electronics can affect one’s brain activity, mood, and can cause other health concerns. 

Other lifestyle factors including home life and genetics have a connection with ADHD. Some cases of ADHD in children are due to the inherited genes from the parents. ADHD tends to be seen in families who already have the diagnosis. 

Help with managing ADHD 

  • Maintaining structure or routine 
  • Effective communication 
  • Reward good behavior 
  • Build strong social skills 
  • Staying active outdoors 

When having a diagnosis of ADHD, it is said that the disorder does not become worse with age. In many cases, children and adolescents can outgrow their ADHD symptoms with the proper treatment. The best result of someone having ADHD is being proactive when signs and symptoms are noticed. Not treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can affect an individual’s quality of life. 

If your child or adolescent has been diagnosed with ADHD or if you would like more information on the disorder, reach out to Preferred Research Partners to see if a clinical trial may be a good option. Visit our studies page today to see the currently enrolling studies.